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Credit Card Scams

News about banking and credit card scams have been going around for ages. In 2018, The United Kingdom witnessed banking losses and theft totaling up to £844.8 million in a single year due to fraudulent authorities.

Credit card hoaxes engrave themselves as the top banking scam because of the variety of methods these scammers exercise. While tricks like banking pin theft and manipulation of account details are typical, Credit card thefts are not something that every individual acknowledges.

We at Cyber Intelligence Desk have entailed a detailed article on how these scams work to bring about more awareness and acknowledgment amongst our clients.


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What is a credit card Scam?

Credit Card Scams are an inclusive term for scams that implement a payment card, such as a credit card or debit card. Their end-focus may be to obtain goods or services or make payment to another account within the control of a scammer. Although credit cards are secure and safer to use than other banking sources, criminals come up with unpredictable scams. These scams are highly repetitive and occur on a large scale. The worst part is that these fraudulent parties barely take minutes to rob you of your hard-earned money.

Cyber Intelligence Desk has laid out an exhaustive list of Credit card frauds to keep you in the loop with these wrongdoings.

How credit card scams works

With advancements in every field and digital transformations, scammers continue to grow more malicious than ever before. They find loopholes in the intelligent technology, trick fellow card users, and keep plotting new schemes. Their plan of action is to gain personal or financial details from the cardholder to make money off it ultimately. Whether the swindler has to impersonate an identity or steal it, they squeeze their ways through and make millions of dollars.

Look Out for the Common Types of Credit Card scams

Credit Card Skimming

A scammer utilizes data skimming devices to steal credit card information each time you swipe your card in an ATM, Point of Sale, or store. They then bring the stolen data into play for making fraudulent transactions with a fake credit card. The skimming device holds the ability to read the stripe on your card. The thieves then store your card number and other account details for misuse.

Interest Rate Reduction Scam

The Interest Rate Scam attempts to cheat customers by offering delightful and appealing interest rates. This schemed fraud kicks off with a pre-recorded call from a bot. While the bot comes off as your credit card facilitator, they win your trust by reciting your account name or number.

Most customers fall prey to this type of fraud without any second thoughts. As low-interest rates on your credit card are hard to find, it sounds like a rare opportunity. Once the customer signs up for the services, they levy charges on your account. However, the defrauded customers attain no assistance or low-interest rates as quoted by the fraudulent dealer.

The Wi-Fi Connectivity Scam

If you’re one to think that free public Wi-Fi is the best thing. Then let me interrupt you right there; the Wi-Fi Connectivity Scam catches onto sources utilizing free hotspot connectivity for robbing money from the user’s account. So how does the scam work?

Wi-Fi platforms hold the ability to transmit data, a primary feature that enables you to access the internet. Moreover, the cheats associated with such scams set up a system that transmits and records your details and ongoing activities. For instance, if you log in to your online payment source or process any transactions, your bank details, and account login will be stored. As a result, the scammer can quickly get hold of your personal information and exploit you off your money.

Fake Credit Card Calls

Fake Credit Card calls are a generic category of credit card frauds that spread out into varied types. Each scammer arrives with a distinct idea and succeeds at deceiving the call recipient. For instance, the caller might claim to be your credit card issuer and report a fraud on your account. With an excuse to verify the fraud, the scammer then obtains your credit card details.

Yet another fake calling scheme involves calls coming from online shopping platforms. With a surge in online shopping, scam calls from these platforms have also been rising. After completing the order, the customer receives a call from the scammer. The caller claims an overcharge levied on your account. Further, the caller requests your details to initiate the refund procedure. Although there is no overcharge or refund in the practical world, the customer is defrauded in the process.

Another well-known fake credit card scam involves calls from hotels and other sources. They seek your credit card details with different convincing plots. The rush that the caller brings about in the customer causes hasty decisions. The hotelier or any external scammer rings the lodgers with a storyline. Generally, the recipient is told that the hotel’s system is facing some downtime, and the lodger must give out credit card information. The fraudulent party then uses these credentials for their welfare.

Some of the other circumstances where fake credit card calls operate are identity theft, false credit repair scam, and a gigantic list that goes on.

Billing Scams

Most users prefer digital bill payments, where the billing account links to your account for monthly transactions. These monthly payments stand on an automatically set system. Unfortunately, certain companies influence the confidence entrusted to them by imposing additional unauthorized charges. A large volume of these charges goes unnoticed.

Credit Insurance Frauds

Certain companies offer credit insurance programs for debtors suffering from a big loan—especially targeting individuals who have trouble paying off their loans due to numerous circumstances. The fraudulent providers lure these debtors for low and favorable premium payments.

Once the premiums are fully paid, the company lends out no insurance or protection. The scammer flees away with the money leaving the defaulters more bankrupt than ever.

How to identify credit card fraud?

The theft of money through credit cards is so common that every victim can’t identify it instantly. So how do you figure out whether you’ve fallen in for something of that sort?

  • Check out the texts and updates coming from your bank.
  • Evaluate the monthly statements for your credit card.
  • Keep an eye on your credit report by performing inquiries or searches.
  • Analyze your invoices and bills to notice any glitches.
  • Log into your banking account online and look up any suspicious transactions.

I’m sure by the end of your examination; you’ll be able to spot a scam. However, if you are still facing difficulties, then Cyber Intelligence Desk can assist you in verifying scams.

How to Avoid Credit Card scams?

Credit card scams are forever growing in numbers and captivating more losses among the victims. The only remedy that stands true to each of these situations is precautions and awareness. One can’t disregard the fact that awareness is crucial, and we hope we were prosperous in delivering just that.

To ensure you don’t undergo the same tragedy that millions have fallen victim to, listed below are some precautions that everyone needs to administer;

  • Avoid using public hotspots.
  • Ensure that you aren’t accessing your bank account or processing any transaction when connected to public Wi-Fi.
  • Do not attend calls routing from unknown numbers.
  • Automated robocalls hold a high risk of identifying as a scam.
  • Do not share your personal information.
  • Sharing account details has never done anyone any good.
  • Keep your account pin and verification codes private.
  • Be cautious of your surroundings while swiping your card.
  • If you’ve been a victim, you can file a case with the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Refrain from making any hasty decisions.

What to do if you have been scammed?

If you’ve already been cheated of money, the team of specialists at Cyber Intelligence Desk can assist in recovering your funds. If you haven’t heard about us, we’re a body of experts aiming to create a secure trading space for all. With $19 million recovered to date, we don’t plan to stop until every trader can deal with reliability.

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