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I Can’t Withdraw My Money From Binance

Digital currencies are replacing paper currencies in a phase of transition. The e-wallet is supposed to be the safest way to keep your money. However, the service providers make it mandatory to accept terms and conditions before utilizing their services.  

Cyber Intelligence Desk is one of the trusted agencies for the recovery of your money. Cyber Intelligence Desk ensures that the monetary interest of the victims is protected. We make sure that the victims of the online financial trade get their money due.

There are about 30 million users who have registered their names in Binance to date. The annual exchange of Binance is about 7.7 trillion dollars to date. A company that conducts so much business should protect the interests of its users. 

Problems that a Binance’s User Faces:

1.Logging into the application:

Users are most likely to complain about being locked out of their accounts when their User ID and password are incorrect. 

2. ID verification:

Users can only log in to the account through their registered devices. If they happen to use any other device, their account gets locked.

If the registered device is lost or damaged, the user will not log into the account. 

3. Suspension of account:

Binance may suspend all the user’s activities by locking up their account without approval.

Long-term suspensions of users’ accounts are possible. However, as long as the account is suspended, financial growth opportunities for the user are denied. 

4. Account getting hacked:

If the account of the user gets hacked, Binance suspends the account. However, Binance officials do not inform the user about it.

5. Reaching out to Bianacial officials through social media:

The users reach out to Binance’s officials via online social media platforms. The officials will only encourage generalized queries, not at the account level. Binance officials will ask the users to contact, and the support will open up tickets via email.

Unfortunately, this method is excruciating, and the users get disturbed as they have to keep on pursuing until a resolution is reached. 


It is quite an experience that the user has to undergo if the account gets suspended. The entire account gets suspended, due to which the user cannot even access Binance e-wallet. Binance does not safeguard the interests of its users but only itself. 

Denying access to your own money is a dreadful thought. The regulatory authority, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has given specific guidelines for all cryptocurrencies and exchanges to follow. But these guidelines are not adhered to by Binance.

Cyber Intelligence Desk fights for the rights of the users who have been victims of online trade transactions, scams, and fraudulent activities. We have testimonies from the victims to confirm the reliability of the Cyber Intelligence Desk agency. If you have trouble withdrawing your funds from an e-wallet, call us now, and we will be at your service.

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